more Katrina blog info
This site is a huge index of bloggers trying to communicate from the settings of where Katrina has hit along the Gulf coast.
The writings of an obscure late 20th and early 21st Centuries lover of God, disciple of Jesus, member of Christ's body, biblical reflector and social commentator
This site is a huge index of bloggers trying to communicate from the settings of where Katrina has hit along the Gulf coast.
Here is the link to the blog Kaye's Katrina Hurricane Blog which is from a woman in the midst of the present situation.
It sounds like Pat Robertson is issuing death warrants like the radical terrorists who claim to be Muslim clergy. Pogo strikes again! - "We have met the enemy and he is us."
My friend Bob Robinson left a good comment on my previoius post about intelligent design and the Darwinian theory of evolution. I am following up on that comment:
The most recent issue of Time magazine has "Evolution Wars" as the theme of it main piece. I sent a letter to the editor about that article and the issue:
Here is a letter to the editor I sent to the Akron Beacon Journal which they published recently: