Tuesday, August 16, 2005

response to Bob

My friend Bob Robinson left a good comment on my previoius post about intelligent design and the Darwinian theory of evolution. I am following up on that comment:

Bob, I wouldn't disagree with you that Darwinian theory of evolution is from a modern context. What I find interesting, though, is that there are connectiongs being made among science and poetry and faith. Brian McLaren does this and introduced me to John Haught of Georgetown Univeristy. His major books are "God After Darwin: A Theology of Evolution" and "What is God: How to Think of the Divine".
Here is a bio on him
and an article entitled "Theology and Ecology in an Unfinished Universe.:

What I find is that the intelligent design community is abandoning this faith foundation totally to try to "fight" evolutionary theory on its terms. I do find that there is a lot more imagination coming out of portions of the scientific community these days.


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