Saturday, August 13, 2005

letter to Time magazine on intelligent design

The most recent issue of Time magazine has "Evolution Wars" as the theme of it main piece. I sent a letter to the editor about that article and the issue:

God is always "in" the classroom. To even suggest that a law about "intelligent design" would put "God back in the classroom" is an affront to God. Ironically, those who claim that they are the "Christian" portion of this debate, are demeaning the reality and power of God in the way they are presenting some of the foundations of their arguments.

If "intelligent design" is to be presented in the classroom as the President said, so that students can learn "both sides", then I would believe that he would support also that both "sides" should be presented in health or biology classes about birth control and abstinence.

For me, the bottom line issue is that "intelligent design" folks are perverting the wonderful poetry and vision that the Hebrew people and their writers brought to the two creation narratives of the book of Genesis. This is really an attack on the ancient tradition of how God has revealed his truth to us and is subverting it to human control and power so that a certain group of humans can claim they know the "truth" over the rest of their fellow creatures. If they want to punch holes in the Darwinian theory of evolution scientifically, then use the scientific method. Don't misuse Hebrew scripture to do this. I wonder, did God bring the world into being intelligently or creatively? Poetry, the art of storytelling and faith lead to an amazing creativity which there seems to be little of among the intelligent design folks.


At 9:37 AM , Blogger Bob Robinson said...

I differ with you on this.
Where in the Hebrew poetry is there the very modern idea of darwinistic evolution?

Both Darwinism and Intelligent Design are products of the Modern Era. In a Postmodern Era, we will accpet that God both designed the creation and placed in to the ability to evolve.

Scientists will not have to bow to the powerful in the scientific community that say, "If your research is not based on darwinistic presuppositions, you won't get published." They will be able to subvert the empire of scientific haughtiness and scientifically state that what they see is evidence of design and nobody will be able to tell them it's not "science" since it doesn't fit with the powerful who seek to keep the status quo.

Darwinism is Modern. Intelligent Design is Modern.

Postmodern Science will not have to worry about all this--scientists will not have to say, "If I see evidence of design, I ca't say that because the establishment has determined that design isn't science."


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