Walt Brueggemann, Emergent, Atlanta, Sept 14, 2004
-everybody lives by a script
-we have it whether we know it or not
-the predominant script in the western world/US is techno, therapeutic (my goal is to be happy) consumer militarism
(power to control others)
-It promises us we will be happy
-That script has failed, but we still believe it
-Our “health” depends disengaging from that script
-ministry is to descript that script, enable persons to relinquish a world that no longer/never really existed
-ministry is steady, patient, articulation of an alternative script that we proclaim can make us truly happy and safe
-That alternative script is rooted in the Bible, and in the tradition of the church, it is a counter meta-narrative
- This alternative script is distinctive, the God of the Bible who is Father, Son and Spirit
-It is not monolithic, one dimensional, or seamless; it is ragged,...written by “committees” (the various authors edited into the singular story of the Pentateuch and the four gospels), it has a key character - God
- It is a ragged, disjunctive, inhoherent counter script/story, it cannot be made smooth or seamless; when we try to make that ragged script to make sense in the terms of the world it gets flattened & becomes a weakened image of dominant cultural script (techno, therapeutic, consumer militarism).
-It is not about certitude (our wanting to have certainty in our life), we need to let God be God's irascible self
- The adherents of the predominant Christian script which they have allowed to become a poor weakened shadow of itself, can quarrel among themselves in ways that detract from the alternative script, and they debilitate it
- The entry point into the counter script is baptism, "do you now renounce the power of evil." (which we then ask again at confirmation or when someone joins the church…that is to say, to you let go of this world and choose to live in the empire of God’s world?)
- To share this alternative script in the face of all the powers that seek to deny it is the work of ministry
- Most of us are ambiguous about this alternative script, most of us are not at the deepest places of choosing between dominant and alternate script
- The ambivalence between scripts is the primary venue for the power of the Holy spirit to enter our live, ministry is to name and enhance the ambivalence
- Ministry is to manage ambivalence, generate faithful ways to help relinquish old script
- work of ministry is essential in our society because there is no one other than church/synagogue to name and evoke the ambivalence and manage our way through it
ministry is urgent, wondrous and difficult
we all have a hunger for certitude, the Gospel is not about certitude, it is about fidelity
in the church we try to transpose fidelity into certitude
all the certitudes in the world will not make the quality of life better, because what we need is fidelity
In the Reformation Calvin and Luther tried to out science science for certitude by offering answers of explanation
Rather its like having a teenager in the house, it is settled for three minutes and then you have to renegotiate the relationship all over again
The promise of certitude is a phony promise = Way of the Cross confronts that, Jesus never makes any of his disciples certain e.g. parables & statements that make us try to figure it out
The arts are always in tension with moralism
arts speak to open up our lives and to live in ambiguity. Walt’s book "Finally comes the Poet" is where he finally acknowledged this in his own life.
poetic rhetoric - as listener you still get to decide what it means
preacher is not responsible for whole arc of "communication", preacher is responsible for 70% and help/allow the congregation to do the last 30%
The church is really to be equipping little communities of obedience, that's what Jesus did; these obedient communities were still surrounded by the great "Jewish" communities of certitude which presented a false script from God; "We are not in the growth business. We are in the business of developing communities of obedience in a world seeking certainty (which cannot be found)."
This isurgent, because the forces of certitude are going to bring us to death very quickly
There is a “Big Story” in scripture, but it is plural, if the Big Story doesn't move and change it will become an idol
There are no un-interpreted, unimagined facts!, you only live in facts that are imagined
Why do Christians keep trying to bring things to closure? To explain and fix everything (certainty)?
The Jeiwsh form of midrash assumes that the Text has many meanings. That is our tradition too. It is the western enlightenment that turned this ancient scripture into trying to have it all fit nice and neat to be one voice and to make sense.
Sabbath is not a day of rest from the work of the other six days. The other six days are to be preparation for the Sabbath!!!!