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The writings of an obscure late 20th and early 21st Centuries lover of God, disciple of Jesus, member of Christ's body, biblical reflector and social commentator
My brother Phil from Falls Church, VA has been going with Bill and Grace Brinker from Kent UCC for over 10 years to El Salvador, Haiti and Nicaragua to do eye clinics and surgery in deprived areas. He is the fix-it man for the optical equipment when they are out in the middle of no where and have no access to resources to order parts etc. He also facilitates the work in a host of ways since he, probably next to the Brinkers, has the most experience of the team. Here is an article about their last trip in Feb. Ironically, Phil is not mentioned, but his son who is a senior in high school is the first volunteer mentioned who screens the patients and his wife Amy is quoted at the end. My nephew plans to enter Carniege-Mellon in the fall for engineering. My brother is in charge of the household hazardous waste disposal for Arlington, VA. He has been out in our area off and on to do some testing at Kent State's waste disposal experimental station in Middlefiled, OH. He has brought sludge out from Arlington as they are testing ways to recycle it and Arlington is out ahead of most municiplaties on this. Amy is a civilian employee for the Army. She leads a team that buys gas for a specific region of the world for the Army. My brother is continually serving God in so many ways both through their Lutheran church and in community service. He sees his calling is for his whole life. At times I imagine that he is truly in the ministry that Christ calls us to.
Here is an interview from Sojourners Magazine with Brian McLaren about the upcoming release on May 19th of The Da Vinci Code. I think this is the best reflection on this movie I have seen.