Tuesday, November 01, 2005

are we stuck in the "Enlightenment"?

Lesslie Newbigin in his book Foolishness to the Greeks - The Gospel and Western Culture writes this: "As people who are part of modern Western culture, with its confidence in the validity of its scienfitic methods, how can we move from the place where we explain the gopsle in terms of our modern scientific world-view to the place where we explain our modern scientific world-view from the point of view of the gospel?" Newbigin using the experience and lens of the experience of the Apostle Paul helps us to see how we have laid over "Christianity" more the foundation of Western culture history and science. Thus people reject Biblical stories because of the lens of the Enlightenment OR in reaction against it they accept them literally as their way to reconcile the two. Right now with the debate over "intelligent design" the wonderful narratives of creation in Genesis and the poetry of Psalms is being bastardized to fit into this Western cultural worldview. But liberals do it too with the ways they reduce down Biblical passages to be more about "justice" than about knowing the reality of God in Jesus Christ. It is Jesus who transforms the world and ushers in the just kingdom of God. Not ultimately social policy or political idealology.


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