Saturday, February 07, 2009


The last month has clearly felt like a hibernation mode for me. As time has gone on, snow been on the ground for over a month, and cold temps were predominant, I found myself going through the motions rather than "forging ahead." No wonder the Native American Indians didn't stay here in the winter, but migrated south. Just like they didn't stay along the Gulf Coast in hurricane season, but moved more inland. Mobility has its assets.

Our ancestors in the Judeo-Christian faith were mobile. In fact, they went for a large number of generations before they were given their own land. Up until the end of the exodus, they were always aliens, foreigners, depending on the hospitality of other peoples. Even then, the land described as "flowing with milk and honey" would seem pretty barren to us.

I lived most of my life on the move. Never lived anywhere more than 6 years until the last 13 1/2 here in Akron. I was haunted by the feeling of using a "geographical fix" to deal with the issues of my life. But there is part of me that also wonders about the "settlement" that has led to so much lack of adaptability, flexibility, and mobility. One of the things about emerging churches is that people move as families to new settings as "missionaries" to start new churches. They don't just plant a church, but they grow community among themselves and invite others into those spiritually centered, missionally reaching out communities. My geographical fixes were alone or just my family. Even when Abram started out from Haran, he had quite a "flock" with him. (tee hee hee, "flock", get it).

Settled in, hunkered down...I think we have lost our ability to follow God where God leads and desires us to to go to live. And by live, I mean LIVE! To be alive!



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