9 years since Y2K
Remember all the anxiety 9+ years ago about Y2K? That was the fear that with the new millenium dating, computers would not rollover and all kinds of systems world wide would shut down. From the Pentagon to the banks, they weren't sure if their computers would keep functioning.
Little did we know that there were going to be rollovers that would change much but not due to Y2K. 9/11 changed everything in regards to the Pentagon and much of the life of our nation and the world. Then, the last year has changed the banking system. Again not due to computers, but due to human behavior.
And the fears we thought were behind us as the first week of the year 2000 unfolded when the computers did rollover, we find are deeper and wider with the events of the unfolding decade.
So, should we begin a watch for Y2K10? What should we prepare for? Everything will change. It is certain. Just as everything seems to have changed in the last 10 years.
Ten years ago I was hearing how the church would change in 15-20 years. It seems that the predicted struggles and changes started showing up in 5 years. There are folks talking about how the traditional/denominational/institutional style of church is making a comeback in recent years. I don't see it. And the present economic down turn is hitting churches up front as the first line of charitable giving declines. Churches are not viewed as an "essential" "charity." So folks will stop giving to it before they will to food banks, social services and other people helping groups. It will feel like everything has changed for the church as we have relied on buildings and staffs to make the church run. But God is turning things 1 step back to take 2-5 steps forward. "Church" will more and more be identified not by street addresses or buildings or favorite pastors tenures. Church will be identified by spirit, faith, love, and courage...that come from beyond anything we could provide on our own.
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