Friday, March 07, 2008

it's Heidelberg

Kate has decided to attend Heidelberg College in the fall. She was awarded their 2nd highest academic scholarship, Founder's Scholarship, and was accepted into the music department from her audition. She will be part of the Honor's Program which is something I would have loved to have had when I was in college. When we looked at other schools' honor programs they didn't seem to be as focused communally and offer the variety of interdisciplinary work that Heidelberg offers.

Heidelberg was not on my original list of schools when we started looking. Kate made the connection at a college fair a few years ago at her high school. She stopped by the table because her grandfather, my dad, had graduated from H'berg. (She had never met him since he died in 1977.) I have come to appreciate Heidelberg the more we visited and investigated. I think it is a good place for Kate.

She was down to St. Olaf and Elizabethtown. Great options to have.

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At 11:33 AM , Blogger Nick and Erin said...

How exciting!!!


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