Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lent...trying to fan the flames

Reflection for a day in Lent, Feb 27...

Ok. So we're into Lent a few weeks and all that great intention back a few weeks ago...well, its been blown away by the wind or at least, its blowing in the wind. Like an old flag that should be replaced, the journey with Lent quickly becomes shredded. It begins to become forced in around the regular activities of the day and week. And then eventually (in a few short weeks), it becomes "something I need to do" again.

So, here we are at crunch time. A few weeks into Lent. Its time to buck up and decide whether you are going to turn your day over to God as you said you were going to back there on Ash Wednesday.

Psalm 118
20Here is the gate of the LORD!

Everyone who does right

may enter this gate.

21I praise the LORD

for answering my prayers

and saving me.

22The stone that the builders

tossed aside

has now become

the most important stone.

23The LORD has done this,

and it is amazing to us.

24This day belongs to the LORD!

Let's celebrate

and be glad today.

25We'll ask the LORD to save us!

We'll sincerely ask the LORD

to let us win.

26God bless the one who comes

in the name of the LORD!

We praise you from here

in the house of the LORD.

27The LORD is our God,

and he has given us light!

Start the celebration!

March with palm branches

all the way to the altar. 28The LORD is my God!

I will praise him and tell him

how thankful I am.

29Tell the LORD

how thankful you are,

because he is kind

and always merciful.



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