Thursday, October 02, 2003

Oops, missed a week

But then, I don't figure any of you were waited with baited breath for a post here! LOL

I love the fall. It snowed today, too. Big, white, wet snowflakes. Both the fall and the snow awaken or remind of the power of visual sensuality. My generation and a few before reduced too much of life and expression down to prose. Explanations. Lectures. Literate.

But on a day like today with colorful leaves, a dark cloud filled sky and big snowflakes, what a picture! We need more of these. Especially in these times of massive machines sent to kill others and wondering if the headlines will announce that a young man from our church might have been killed in Iraq.

He is home. What a joy. After six months and then speculation he would be ordered to stay another year. He is at Ft. Bragg now and hopefully here in a few weeks. BUT, there are still so many like him, there. Still there. Like us, so many families and friends wait and wonder if the headline will be their's.

That is why I loved the big white snowflakes today. I wish they had such a day in Iraq.


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