this week in Tucson
I arrived here in Tucson last night after 10 pacific time which was 1 am back home. Then I got up this morning at 5:30 am to go with my step-father Bob Ellis to deliver water for Humane Borders. What an experience. HB provides water in the desert where so many immigrants who are trying to get into the US illegally. Last year over 130 died due to dehydration. Most have no idea how hot the desert is nor how far they really have to go. They follow the power lines or the mountains or the lights of the big copper mine west of Tucson. HB has 4-wheel drive trucks that have water tanks. In the desert they have tall poles with blue flags on top. At the bottom are old Coca-Cola syrup barrels full of water. Saw foot prints. Saw clothing discarded. Saw a shrine some folks have come back to put up at a spot one person had died. Saw a jackrabbit. All of this was in sight of the western edge of Tucson! Bob said at one point twenty miles into AZ from Mexico a baby stroller was found left in the desert. They were tired of pushing their child in it. Again, probably expecting that the walk was shorter. As Bob keeps saying, "Imagine what these people must be leaving to be willing to go through this." Mom and Bob were in Chiapas province of Mexico last year which is at the very south of the country. It is run by European Mexicans, but mainly populated by indigenous Mayan Indians who are very poor. Many of the folks walking north are from this area, but also from other areas of Mexico as well as Central America.
I am fortunate. After a week at my in-laws describe in the previous post, I can wake up early in the morning here in Tucson at Mom and Bob's and watch the sun rise around Mount Lemmon and the Santa Catalina Mountains in their wonderful back sun room. Then a brisk walk and job in the cool morning non-humid air.
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