Friday, March 02, 2007

the new media's trinity

The news reports about the three - Anna Nicole, Brittany and Jesus - are the "setting" where a lot of folks are in their own lives. That doesn't mean they all like hearing these as the lead items of the news. But the questions about life and death are being shaped for a lot of young people, let alone some older ones, in the same breath of what's done with Anna Nicole's body and what happened to Jesus' body. So, "what happens to my body?" later on and now! Is global warning or the threat of the growing storm in Iraq and Iran going to "bury me"? Or, what about the calls I keep avoiding from bill collectors? Or my kid being bullied at school? Or....I think I am beginning to feel just like Anna Nicole's body being fought over or traded around like a possession rather than a life. And this Jesus thing. They are starting to squabble over his body just like over Anna Nicole...and me.


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