Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Haggard, Driscoll, minister, sex &...God

Ok, I threw in Driscoll because Mark Driscoll of Mars Hill Church in Seattle is getting a lot of blog play right now around his comments in response to what happened to Ted Haggard. If you want to find it, do a google search for it. I don't agree with any he has to say.

this is what I think...

If Haggard does enter rehab and begin recovery, I wouldn't presume where that will lead him with his life.

Mark Laaser was an ordained UCC minister and pastoral counselor. He became involved with some of his clients. He lost his ordained standing over 20 years ago and it was not restored. Yet, Mark is one of the two most prominent people in the world in working with all sorts of people, but particularly churches and clergy on sex addiction recovery. (the other is Pat Carnes). He and his wife are the two major leaders internationally in Couples Recovery.

Officially Mark is no longer a "minister". Yet, I think God has led him to a ministry that is beyond the church as we know it.
Faithful and True Ministries

I remember when Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky came out and impeachment hearings began, Jeb Magruder from the Watergate crew and spent time in prison, was consulting with our church on a capital campaign. I asked Jeb what chance Clinton had to begin recovery in the White House. He said "none." My wish was for Clinton to resign, not for poltical reasons, but so he could get help.

I don't wish for Haggard a return to church ministry. I wish for him a spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery and then wherever God chooses to use him.
David Loar


At 12:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you saying or agreeing with Mark's removal from church ministry? Do you feel that someone who "crosses the line" with parish clients or therapeutic clients should be removed from that practice? Some people believe that sex addiction like alcoholism cannot be cured but managed. What are recovering couples? Do you have an opinion on the commone thread of sex addiction among the clergy? You don't mention Jessie Jackson, was he censured by his congregation?
An interesting and disturbing topic.

At 7:19 AM , Blogger Hobart said...

I think that the UCC by not re-connecting with Mark has lost a great avenue for itself in being part of healing ministry. Some year's ago Mark sought reinstatement of his standing in Minnesota. He was not encouraged. At this point I don't think he cares because God has led him to an even wider ministry and community of the world. Possibly it was in God's purpose that Mark be called "beyond" the bounds of what is the UCC today.

Yes, I think someone who crosses the boundaries needs help. How that plays out in their professional life as a minister or a therapist, I think needs to be monitored by folks who are familiar with addiction and recovery...particularly sex addiction. I know of a host of people who have been in recovery for sex addiction for decades and are the most spiritual guiding lights in our communities. But, the professional therapeutic community is not as well versed in this as is the recovering community. I suggest visiting Pat Carnes web site for more info. http://www.sexhelp.com/

There is no cure or even management of addiction including sex addiction. Rather, it is turning your life over to God one day at a time, which is what all followers of Jesus Christ are really called to do in their initial step of being obedient to God.

Here is the linke for Recovering Couples Anonymous http://www.recovering-couples.org/ It is to help couples to grow healthier in restoring their relationships.

Sorry, either I don't know about or don't remember what you are referring to in regards to Jesse Jackson.


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