Tuesday, December 09, 2008

time is holy

I am finally finishing the book "The Sabbath" by the late Rabbi Abraham Heschel. I now know why this book is so important. Its here at the end. Heschel makes clear what has been clearly spoken in the Bible...time is far more holy than space. But we have made space far more holy and made time a tool for ourselves.

I just posted this on my twitter: finishing Heschel's "The Sabbath". Time is far more holy than space. Yet so much of Advent in our culture is about rushing

We have reduced holy "time" down to an hour on Sunday. However, we have transformed space (buildings) into the "church." We most often use the term "church" to refer to the building we use and to what we do on Sunday morning "I went to church." (rather than, "We were in the worship of God.")

We have turned material into our idol. And like our ancestors of old, we worship them with our time and money. Because space is clearly where we spend more time and money than in the act of worship or sabbath and in the care of our brothers and sisters...as a church. We ask people to "commit" to the church, but that boils down to time and money to an organization based in the building.

God finally gave in to king David and agreed to have the temple build. But God still said that the sabbath was holy, not the temple. Over and over again. Six days of creation were "good", but the seventh was/is "holy."

We will continually and always lose our way when space remains our focus. We are unwilling to give our time to God. Even here in the Christian season of Advent, which is all about time!

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At 12:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok...I overstated. Yes, the temple is holy, but the emphasis is clearly more on time as consistently holy.


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