Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the becoming of Fairlawn-West

Fairlawn-West community...
This note is from Mary Mounts of our congregation who is in Fla for the winter and attends Grace Un Methodist Church in North Fort Meyers. Mary is developing a study tour for our church to Mexico and I am working on a partnership for us with a church in Mexico. Mary is writing below about how many people in the church in Fla who are just plain ordinary church folks like us have taken time to go at some level of time commitment as a missionary from that church to other settings in the world. Our hope is that something similar will develop from our ongoing relationship with the church in Mexico. Mary, who is a retired Spanish teacher and helps with literacy training at the two Catholic Worker houses in south Akron where a lot of immigrants come to stay when they first arrive in Akron, will offer Spanish class here for those of us who will be part of this experience. We are working both through the United Church of Christ and BorderLinks <
http://www.borderlinks.org/bl/index.htm> .

The Monday night discipling group is hosting a workshop June 2 & 3 with Don Zimmerman of Worshipful Work. Don will help us to learn about other churches who have used spiritual discernment intentionally in their decisionmaking as a church and then how we could develop our own particular process that will fit our core values and bedrock beliefs. On Fri the 2nd we will have an evening introductory session for other churches to be a part of. <http://www.worshipful-work.org/>


At 3:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You quote a lot!


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